Neo-constitutionalism, Post-positivism, Formalism, Anti- formalism, Judicial supremacy, Separation of powersAbstract
The present paper aims to analyze the idiosyncrasies related to the neo- constitutional theory in order to affirm, at the end, that it does not present the best theoretical option to describe the constitutional movement that started in Europe after the World War II and spread later on to Latin America. On the one hand, the neo- constitutionalists make a mistake in affirming that the main problem faced by the Law immediately before 1945 was related to the formalism of the legal conception based on a focus on the laws that kept the problems away from a philosophical and ethical justification of the Law. On the other hand, they described the role of the Judiciary as a consequence of the European “discovery” of the American judicial supremacy, which hides what can be considered the main element of the separation of powers: the wish to limit the exercise of political power.
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