Human Rights, Nationality, Intercultural PeopleAbstract
The modern elements that realizes the concept of State: people, territory and sovereignty, undergo a redefinition of the paradigmatic crisis observed in postmodernity. For example, the definition of people based on the national subject has become insufficient and we have started to observe intercultural possibilities for the establishment of a new concept of people. This essay seeks to find, through the perspective of Human Rights, as a common language and sign, easily incorporated into everyday discourse, it can re-designate the concept of people. The approach is critical with regard to an essentially cosmopolitan analysis and demonstrates the intercultural possibilities of a concept of people beyond the national, but built with the contribution of local phenomena and conflicts. The methodology is analytical and exploratory, using a bibliographic survey. The fact is that a political and social communication channel must be established in favor of the sign of Human Rights, enabling an increasingly a broader recognition of subjects of law and the construction of this channel being the main objective of this text.
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